Participate in a study!

Patients, Caretakers, and Healthcare Professionals

Are you a patient, caretaker, nurse, surgeon, doctor, technician/technologist, physical therapist or other healthcare professsional? We invite you to participate in a one-time paid Usability Evaluation which simulates use of the product in a realistic setting (such as a home, office, or clinical environment).

The purpose of these sessions is to evaluate the usability of a medical device, not your individual skills or abilities.

What is a Usability Evaluation?

We observe, ask questions and gather feedback from users about their experience while using a medical product. This anonymous information is then used to improve the product.

Disclaimer: A Usability Evaluation is NOT a clinical trial. Participants do NOT use medical products on themselves or others as part of our evaluations. 

What can you expect?

Before starting an evaluation, a member of the UserWise Recruitment Team will confirm your eligibility to participate in the usability evaluation. They will coordinate the time, date, and location of the evaluation.

On the day of the usability evaluation a member of our team will welcome you and then ask you to complete some preliminary paperwork. Our staff will show you to the evaluation area. There you will be asked to simulate using the medical product. We will begin by introducing the product to you. You may receive training as you would in real life. We will observe, ask questions and gather feedback about your experience with the product. The results of all participants’ evaluations will be combined and presented to the medical product developer, but your identity will remain anonymous. This data is an essential component of the medical product development process.  

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